How The Heck Do We Grow On Social Media In 2024?
One conversation that comes up with every social media project I take on is, “How can we see growth on ______?”
My first piece of advice is to narrow down what growth means to you. It can look different for everyone! Some of my clients view growth as increased bookings, others view it as an increase in followers, while some chart growth as increasing brand engagement and awareness. So what do you view as markers of growth?
Once you have that narrowed down, it’s time to look at your brand as a whole. My first recommendation, especially as a small business, is to be willing to put your face out there with your brand name. Studies show that “91.7% of ads featuring a person's face attracted more attention than non-face ads”. It’s proven that content with our faces stops people’s scroll, but it also helps your brand feel more relatable.
Now I get it - there are times when you’re just wanting to outsource and not have to deal with your socials. There are still ways to make room for you inside your content calendar! In 2024, people are wanting more and more to see the behind-the-scenes of a business. We’re done being sold to and want to see HOW and WHY you do what you do… not just the final product! A combination of all of the above is usually the sweet spot.
Now I know I’m going to sound like a broken record here but the other key puzzle piece for social media growth is video content. Virtually every single social media platform these days is pushing videos, and it’s ultimately the only way to casually reach new viewers on Instagram.
Now remember: Your approach to social media content in this growth period will look different than others. Your brand is unique, and no social media manager can guarantee growth by copying and pasting someone else’s strategy.
Lastly, if you’re ready for the leap, I recommend working with a professional who can guide you through this process. A social media manager like myself can show you the ropes, and research what exactly you need to optimize growth.
P.S. I’m opening one more spot this month for a social media client, and I’d love to work with an established small business that’s ready to grow online and enhance its digital footprint. If that sounds like you, you can click here to connect with me! Let’s make the rest of this year your best year yet, K?